Aspiring Comics Take the Stage During Women’s Comedy Open Mic Every Month

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Pictured Above: Comedians at Flemington DIY. Photo Credit: Contributed.

Newsroom Post: FLEMINGTON, NJ 

The Women’s Comedy Open Mic happens every 2nd Sunday, starting at 2:30

Flemington, NJ –Flemington DIY, local nonprofit community arts space, has been home to a monthly comedy open mic for women. Spearheaded by Megan Henninger, the event aims to provide a supportive environment for aspiring comics (of any gender) to take the stage and share some laughs. 

The idea sparked from the lack of accessible open mics, with most typically late at night, often tough for mothers. “I was tired of frequently being the only female in the room and not knowing if the jokes were funny or if the guys just didn’t get it,” says Henninger. “From there, the Women’s Comedy Open Mic was born.” 

Like all performing arts, standup comedy requires a test audience. This is the purpose of an open mic – to try material and see how it works. Comedians need opportunities to tell jokes 5, 10 or 15 times so that they can edit to get the biggest laughs. Open Mic opportunities are harder to find in Western NJ, especially for those who aren’t sure where they fit. 


“I’ve been to open mics where I walked out as soon as I walked in because of the way I was treated when I entered,” admits Henninger. “My goal at this mic is to change that. I’ve heard frequently from those who attend that it’s one of few open mics where they feel supported and know it’s ok if the joke fails. That’s the point. I have men that come to be in the audience and I always open it up for anyone to try after those who have signed up. Perhaps I should rename The Mic, but for now, it is what it is.”

The Women’s Comedy Open Mic happens every 2nd Sunday, starting at 2:30pm. Donations at the door are encouraged.  For more information, visit

FLEMINGTON DIY (Do It Yourself) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization whose mission is to provide an inclusive art space that engages the community with the burgeoning local arts scene, inspires social change, and invigorates the economic development of Flemington, New Jersey. For further information, please visit