Capital Philharmonic Anniversary Inspires Upcoming Exhibit at Ellarslie Mansion
Reported: Wednesday, January 31, 2024.

Pictured Above: Ellarslie Mansion, Trenton. Photo Credit: Contributed.
The Music Inspired Exhibit Offers Two Special Events at the Mansion: an Opening Reception on February 16 and an Anniversary Gala Event for the Capital Philharmonic on February 24.
Trenton, NJ – Ellarslie Mansion: “Joan Perkes has again been a catalyst for the art community with her concept for the February exhibition, “Music to My Eyes,” opening the art season at the Trenton City Museum (February 16, 2024). Her call to the community for the acknowledged relationship of the musical arts to the fine art disciplines has energized examination and reexamination of the shared relationship of rhythm and beat that runs through and inspires all the arts” – stated Constance Bassett & David Cann, Moorland Studios.
With a much-anticipated gala for the Capital Philharmonic at the Ellarslie Mansion on February 24, Perkes says the inspiration for the “Music to My Eyes” exhibition is the esteemed music nonprofit organization, also based in Trenton, NJ, as it celebrates its 10th Anniversary. Perkes’s curated show will feature music themed, original works by over 25 area artists that gala goers can enjoy, as well as other planned festivities on the 24th.

Pictured Above: The Interior of the Ellarslie Mansion, Trenton. Photo Credit: Sourced.
In developing the music-inspired exhibition, Perkes invited as co-curator Carol Cruickshanks, Executive Director of New Arts, a professional associate and personal friend for over 40 years. “Carol graciously lent us the title of Music to My Eyes from a previous exhibition of the same name at the New Hope Arts Center, located up the river in New Hope, PA.
The Music to my Eyes opening reception is on Friday, February 16, from 5 pm until 7:30 and will be for members of the Museum and their guests, the CPNJ, New Hope Arts, and exhibiting artists. There will also be an opportunity for guests to join the Museum and the CPNJ and purchase tickets for the CPNJ Gala at the opening reception.

Pictured Above: An original artwork, 12×12 by artist Annalies vanDommelen. Photo Credit: Contributed.
“Music to my Eyes” Artist Include:
Ken Alexander
Constance Bassett
Aida Birritteri
James Brantley
Chee Bravo
David Cann
Tom Chesar
John Clark
James Dupree
Jay Epstein
David FeBland
Chuck Fischer
Harry Georgeson
John Gummere
Susan Hogan
William Hogan
le Corbeau
Mel Lepzig
Rory Mahon
Pearl Minzer
Janis Purcell
David Orban
Joseph Schembri
Stacie Speer Scott
Annelies van Dommelen
Mary Yess

Pictured Above: David FeBland, Trading Eights, oil on canvas, 32″ x 52″. Photo Credit: Contributed.
The learn more about “Music to my Eyes,” visit:
To purchase Gala Tickets for the Capital Philharmonic, visit: