The West Windsor Arts Council invites the public to the Opening Reception for “Manifesting Beloved Community” on January 13, 7 – 8:30 pm, a free event.

Exhibition Opening: Manifesting Beloved Community Set for January 13

NEWSROOM POST:  West Windsor, NJ

WEST WINDSOR, NJThe West Windsor Art Center 

The West Windsor Arts Council invites the public to the Opening Reception for “Manifesting Beloved Community” on Friday, January 13, 7 pm – 8:30 pm.


Last month, the West Windsor Arts Council released an invitation to artists to propose work for a debuting exhibition titled “Manifesting Beloved Community.”  This debut exhibition is in partnership with Art Against Racism, also a 501(c) (3). Both organizations encouraged work to be submitted for consideration which explores the relationship of community health, race, and racism while visualizing what it means to create or live in a nation or world designed around social and economic justice beyond the ills of structural racism.  Inspired by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., the “Beloved Community” exhibition represents a global vision where all people share in the wealth of a healed planet.


During the opening reception, patrons can meet the artists and the exhibition juror, Darryl Dwayne Walker; entry is free.  Darryl Dwayne Walker is the Coordinator of Community Engagement at the Newark Museum of Art and has worked in the various aspects of visual and performing arts.

Exhibiting artists include: Alice Sims, Barbara Wallace, Bugzdale Jackson, Eleni Litt, Felicia Reed, Hope Vancleaf, Ilene Dube, James Long Rastus, Jamie Greenfield, Janice Gossman, Jersey House Studio, Kate Pollack, Kathleen Caprario, Marge Miccio, Marlon Davila, Marzena Haupa, Nancie Gunkelman, Onnie Strother, Rooma Sehar, Sandra Shim, Spriha Gupta, Terri McNichol, Tracy Hill, and Zakia Amed.  The Manifesting Beloved Community will be open to the public through March 4th, 2023.  More information can be found at:


Lovechild Me Amo, TeAmo by artist Marlon Davila.  Contributed.

“Gardening Angel by artist Jamie Greenfield.  Contributed.