Liz Chang pictured above. The March reading will feature Liz Chang and Bernadette McBride. Their readings will be followed by an open mic available to up to 10 audience members. Photo Credit: Contributed.
Princeton Makes and Ragged Sky Press Second Sunday Poetry Reading – Sunday, March 12, 2023
(PRINCETON, NJ) – Princeton Makes, a Princeton-based artist cooperative, and Ragged Sky Press, a local publisher focused on poetry, will host a Second Sunday Poetry Reading on Sunday, March 12 at 4:00 pm. The readings will take place at the Princeton Makes store in the Princeton Shopping Center.
The March reading will feature Liz Chang and Bernadette McBride. Their readings will be followed by an open mic available to up to 10 audience members who would like to read their original poetry.
Liz Chang was 2012 Montgomery County Poet Laureate in Pennsylvania. Her poems have appeared in Verse Daily, Exit 7, Breakwater Review and Stoneboat Literary Journal, among others. Her chapbook Museum of Things is forthcoming from Finishing Line Press in 2023. Chang’s translation of Claude de Burine’s poetry is anthologized in Paris in Our View from l’Association des Amis de Shakespeare & Company. She is Visiting Assistant Professor of Creative Writing at Moravian University.

Bernadette McBride pictured above. Photo Credit: Contributed.
Bernadette McBride is the author of four full-length poetry collections. She taught creative writing and literature at Temple University for many years, served as poet-in-residence at DeSales University, and as poetry editor for the Schuylkill Valley Journal. Her writing honors include winning second place for the International Ray Bradbury Writing Award, recognition in the UK, Canada, and on PRI’s The Writer’s Almanac, and three Pushcart Prize nominations. She is a Pennsylvania Poet Laureate Emerita for Bucks County.
Princeton Makes is a cooperative comprised of 34 local artists who work across a range of artistic genres, including painting, drawing, stained glass, sculpture, textiles, and jewelry. Customers will be able to support local artists by shopping for a wide variety of art, including large paintings, prints, custom-made greeting cards, stained glass lamps and window hangings, jewelry in a variety of designs and patterns, and more.
Ragged Sky is a small, highly selective cooperative press. We work with our authors closely. Authors retain copyright and we use our experience and professional resources to support the author’s work through the editing, production, and design process. Ragged Sky Press has historically focused on mature voices, overlooked poets, and women’s perspectives.
Additional information is available at www.princetonmakes.com.