Pictured Above: IPA’s at Giant’s beer and wine section. Photo Credit: Contributed.

Sip & Sketch: Create the Ultimate Fall IPA Label


(Flemington, NJ) – Flemington DIY, in partnership with Lone Eagle Brewing, is hosting an Art Contest and Show. Think up a creative and fun design for a fall IPA and submit your design by August 1st via Flemington DIY’s online portal. In September, the designs will be hung for a group art show at Flemington DIY. During the month of September, the community will vote on their favorite design. The winning design will be used for an upcoming brew at Lone Eagle and the winner will receive $250 in compensation for their work. 

Pictured Above: Lone Eagle Brewing and Flemington DIY’s call for art poster! Photo Credit: Contributed. 

“Let’s have fun with this”, says Bob King of Lone Eagle Brewing. Lone Eagle and Flemington DIY have collaborated multiple times on beer labels and are excited to invite more artists into creating a new beer label. 

“This beer will be called “Hops in the Mist”, so artists can create work around that theme for a fall IPA. We will hang all the submissions up and our community will get to vote!”, says Flemington DIY volunteer Nicole Maniez. “Sometimes I buy beer just for the label, so I hope folks get creative and come up with some cool designs”. 

Registration ends August 1. Get all the details at flemingtondiy.org/artcans

FLEMINGTON DIY (Do It Yourself) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization whose mission is to provide an inclusive art space that engages the community with the burgeoning local arts scene, inspires social change, and invigorates the economic development of Flemington, New Jersey.” Made possible by funds from the Hunterdon County Cultural & Heritage Commission, a partner of the New Jersey State Council of the Arts.