Flemington DIY presents: No Coincidence, New Clarity, American Stereo, Blank Effort

Friday, November 22, 2024

Pictured Above: “No Coincidence”. Photo Credit: Contributed.

Newsroom Post: FLEMINGTON, NJ 

DIY Presents Local Punk Rock Bands Live on December 7th

WHAT: Local punk rock bands live

WHEN: Saturday December 7th – Doors at 6:30pm

WHERE: Flemington DIY, 26 Stangl Road, Flemington, NJ 08822

Flemington DIY is hosting a live show featuring four bands: No Coincidence (pop punk/alt rock), New Clarity (punk rock), American Stereo (punk rock/power pop), Blank Effort (garage punk).

Pictured Above: “American Stereo”. Photo Credit: Contributed.

Calling all punk rockers! Join us for an electrifying night at Flemington DIY on Saturday, December 7th!

Long Island’s No Coincidence brings a nostalgic pop punk energy but with their own spin, putting a fresh take on a familiar sound. From Maryland, New Clarity brings a classic punk edge, complete with loud vocals and raw guitar riffs. American Stereo is bringing their mix of punk rock influence and power pop hooks, delivering music that is both catchy and energetic. Lastly, Blank Effort returns to Flemington DIY for the second time this year, bringing the same infectious live energy that’s bound to get the whole room on their feet.


Grab your friends and get to the punk show!!


To learn more, visit  flemingtondiy.org

Pictured Above: “Blank Effort”. Photo Credit: Contributed.

FLEMINGTON DIY (Do It Yourself) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization whose mission is to provide an inclusive art space that engages the community with the burgeoning local arts scene, inspires social change, and invigorates the economic development of Flemington, New Jersey. For further information, please visit www.flemingtondiy.org

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